Est. May 7, 2024




The purpose of the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association is to promote firearms training, instruction and overall safety for all members


1.      Members of the above association shall be reputable citizens, holding a valid pistol license (Not the case for those using rifles only), who shall have been granted such membership after a complete background search performed by the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association Board (GCPBAPRA).


2.      Applications for membership shall be submitted to the GC PBA Pistol and Rifle Association along with $50 non-refundable initiation fee and current $200 annual dues.  Current members of the former Glen Cove Pistol Range will have their initiation fee waived/reduced.  Annual dues shall be based on the increase in operational costs of Association facilities and to keep pace with current prices.  Refunds of annual dues will be at the discretion of the GCPBAPRA Board. 


3.      All dues for the upcoming year shall be due on, or before December 1st of the current year.  A surcharge shall be imposed for a $30 returned check due to bank processing fees. 


4.      Members whose dues are not paid in full by January 1st will not be permitted to enter the facility.  Members not paid in full by January 31st shall incur a $25 late fee.  Members not paid in full by February 28th shall incur a 2nd $25 late fee.  Members not paid in full by March 1st shall be dropped from the membership of this Association.


5.      Members in default of dues payment shall have his/her Association membership terminated, and their Range identification card and key fob shall be returned to the GCPBAPRA.  Anyone who fails to return any Association property shall be liable to any violation of the NYS Penal Law, which may be applied.  Members will also be charged a fee to replace Association items not returned.

6.      Past due Members wishing to be reinstated to current membership must apply as a new member, paying full costs (initiation fee plus dues).  Any situation applying to this section shall be reviewed with discretion by the GCPBAPRA Board.


7.      Members shall notify the GCPBAPRA as soon as possible by means of written notification of any change of address or personal information needed to maintain current membership.


8.      There shall be no commercial profiteering inside or outside of the GC PBA Range property, including the parking lot or any other part of the surrounding city-owned property including the golf course property.  The sale, advertisement of sale of any items between members shall be non-profit and non-commercial in nature.



9.      All Members must sign in and out of the Range Logbook upon entering and exiting the facility.  Failure to do so shall result in membership suspension or termination, at the discretion of the GCPBAPRA Board. 


10. Members are not permitted to use the Firing Range alone.  At least 2 members (1 of which must be a certified Range Officer) must be present inside the Firing Range at all times when shooting.  If no certified Range Officer is present, members are not permitted to shoot.  Failure to adhere to this rule shall result in membership termination, at the discretion of the GCPBAPRA Board.   


11.  All members shall wear proper GC PBA Range identification on their outermost garment while on Range property.  ID card color/lanyard will be determined by the member's status (red for Range Officers, Blue for valid pistol permit holders and yellow for non-permit holders).  A member may not intentionally alter or conceal the color of their ID card or lanyard.  Failure to display your identification card shall result in membership suspension or termination, at the discretion of the GCPBAPRA Board.


12. All members will receive a picture identification and a Range key fob. Members shall not lend their GC PBA Range identification or Range property to non-members.  Those in violation of this section shall have their membership suspended or terminated, with no refund of the current year’s dues.




13. Only members of the GC PBA Range will be allowed to enter the Firing Range.  Non-members are not permitted to enter the Firing Range and are prohibited from handling or shooting any firearms.  This does not apply to licensed shooters, either independent or associated as bona fide members of a regularly formed club and are participating in a pre-arranged scheduled shooting match.


14. All members and guests will conduct themselves in a safe and prudent manner while on the Range property.  Members shall be held responsible for their guest’s behavior. 


15. There is no smoking inside the facility.  Any member found violating this rule shall have their membership privileges suspended or terminated.


16. The possession or consumption of alcohol inside the facility is prohibited at all times. Any member that is under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicant is prohibited from entering the Firing Range and/or handling a firearm.  Any member found violating this rule shall have their membership privileges suspended or terminated.


17. Any member found damaging Range property shall be held financially responsible for said damage.  A $75 fee shall be imposed for replacement of a lost key fob or $25 fee for replacement of a lost ID card.


18. Every member shall report immediately by phone, to the Glen Cove Police Dept., any personal injury or damage to facility property.  Any violation of association by laws and rules shall be reported to the GCPBAPRA Board. Failing to report damage or injury immediately shall result in membership privileges suspended or terminated, at the discretion of the GCPBAPRA Board.


19. All members will be responsible for reading Range notices (Dues notices, shooting events, Range closures, etc.).  Said notices shall be posted on the Range bulletin board and/or event calendar.  These notices shall be posted in ample time for each event.


20. Range facilities may be closed at any time, without notice, as deemed necessary, by the GCPBAPRA Board.


21. Any membership may be suspended and/or terminated for violation of any of the above rules and regulations or any other cause deemed sufficient by a majority vote of the GCPBAPRA Board, with no refund of the current year’s dues.


22. Shooting clubs wishing to use the GC PBA Range shall pay a separate annual $1,000 club fee.  This fee will include a locker inside the facility and exclusive scheduled competition dates/times throughout the calendar year.  Each shooting club’s exclusive competition dates/times will be at the discretion of the GCPBAPRA Board.


23. Every Member of a GC PBA Range shooting club must also be a member of the GCPBAPRA and in good standing.


24. Shooting clubs shall notify the GCPBAPRA. by means of written notification, the names on the shooting club roster for the upcoming year on, or before November 15th of the current year.  Shooting club members that are not listed on the roster shall not be covered under the GCPBAPRA.  Any changes to the Shooting club roster must be made by means of written notification and not considered in effect until approved by the GCPBAPRA Board.  


25.  There will be no storing of ammunition or firearms in club lockers.  Any club found violating this rule shall have their members’ privileges suspended or terminated.


26. All shooting club dues for the upcoming year shall be due on, or before December 1st of the current year.  A $30 surcharge shall be imposed for a returned check due to bank processing fees. 


27. Shooting Club dues that are not paid in full by January 1st will not be permitted to use the facility for competitions.  Club dues not paid in full by January 31st shall incur a $50 late fee.  Club dues not paid in full by February 28th shall incur a 2nd $50 late fee.  Club dues not paid in full by March 1st shall be dropped from the GCPBA Range and will forfeit shooting club privileges. 








-Treat all guns as if they are loaded

-There is no safe direction other than downrange

-Finger is off the trigger until ready to fire

-Always check to make sure your backstop is clear



1.   Firearm Operation

Every member is responsible for knowing how his/her gun operates prior to operation at the range.  The member is liable for any injury or property damage due to negligence.


2.   Safety and Use of Firearms

Every member is responsible for the safety and security of his/her firearms and is required to adhere to all pertinent Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.


3.   Eye and Ear Protection

Proper eye and ear protection will be worn by all members who are located inside the Firing Range, whether or not said member is actively firing a gun.




4.   Making The Firing Line Safe

Before entering the Firing Range, guns are to be made safe by locking the slide or bolt back to the rear, removing the magazine from the magazine well, manually inspecting the chamber, cylinder or bolt to ensure it is empty.

Once the member is satisfied that the gun is empty of ammunition, Gun will be placed on the bench with the muzzle facing downrange.

All shooters will remain behind the firing line, not handling any weapons until the Range Officer gives the “ok” to proceed.

If there is anyone downrange or the safety light is activated, members will bench and will not handle any weapons until the Range Officer ensures no one is downrange, the signal light is deactivated.  Range Officer should then give the signal that it is safe to do so.


5.   Loading/Unloading Firearms

All guns shall be loaded/unloaded ONLY on the Firing Line.  There should never be a loaded gun anywhere other than the Firing Line.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.

Handguns shall be holstered and secured.  Unused handguns shall be placed in a case.  No equipment shall be left in open view.


6.   Long Guns

The only long guns that can be fired inside the Range are .22 short or long rimfire rifles. 

No other long guns are permitted inside the Firing Range.

Long guns shall be secured in a case and are not to be brought to the Range loaded. 


7.   Ammunition

Only standard pistol caliber (lead or jacketed) are allowed.

No Armor Piercing or Tracer rounds allowed.

No sharing of self-loading ammunition.

No handguns in rifle caliber allowed.





1.      Range operating hours are 7 days/week from 8:00AM - 11:00PM .  Club competition hours will be from 7:00PM – 11:00PM.


2.      There will be no cross-range shooting.


3.      Mid Range shooting is prohibited.  All shooting must be done from the Firing Line, located behind each shooting point.  No member shall shoot from forward of the Firing Line.


4.      No shooting from the holster.


5.      No targets other than paper are permitted to be used.  Steel targets are prohibited.


6.      Targets and target backers are to be placed in target holders only.


7.      Rate of fire shall be kept reasonable as to not disturb or interfere with other shooters.


8.      Members shall limit themselves to 30 minutes when there are more than 6 members present to use the Range.


9.      Shooters are permitted to shoot from standing or kneeling position only.


10.  All members will clean up their brass and targets upon leaving.  Members are allowed to remove only brass from their own rounds.  Brass left inside the Range is considered property of the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association, and prohibited from being removed without permission from the GCPBAPRA Board.


11.  The last remaining members will shut off lights, fans and close vents prior to leaving.





1.      GCPBAPRA – Abbreviation for Glen Cove Police Benevolent Association Pistol and Rifle Association.


2.      GCPBAPRA BOARD – Individuals consisting of current or former members of the Glen Cove Police Benevolent Association that are appointed by the Glen Cove Police Benevolent Association Board to govern the Glen Cove PBA Range operations.


3.      GLEN COVE PBA RANGE/FACILITY – The property of the Range building and surrounding area including the connected parking area.


4.      FIRING RANGE – The portion of the Glen Cove Pistol Range specifically enclosed for the purpose of the controlled practice of shooting a gun.  


5.      MEMBER – A person who has paid their dues in full and is in good standing with the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association.


6.      NON-MEMBER/GUEST – Non- shooting individual who is not a member of the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association, who enters the facility with a member.  Non-members/guests are not permitted to enter the Firing Range and are not permitted to handle or shoot a firearm or long gun.



7.      CERTIFIED RANGE OFFICER - A member who has completed NRA Basic Range Safety Officer course or equivalent.



8.      SHOOTING CLUB – Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association members organized on a predetermined roster for the purpose of participating in competition target shooting.

               The Rules Read form to sign is the second last page       Download Copy


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